Escorts. Pleasure for him and for her


There is something that is taken for granted when it comes to the issue of sex worker services. They say that only men make contact with escorts. Is this absolutely true?

No matter what is said. Escorts are easy to find on the net for both men and women. Whether on specialised sites, with erotic photos, personal blogs, or even classified ads that also have the well-known “casual dates”. 

However, until one gets to the search for the services of the best professionals, there is something to consider. The understanding of human relationships. This can sometimes be conditioned by the labels used by society.  

To what extent can this affect the freedom to choose who to relate to? The answer is simple, men and women deal with embarrassment and fear in different ways. 

On the one hand there is the behaviour of men, who often seek self-affirmation in an externalised way. On the other side are the women. They are usually more discreet and seek fun or relationships without too much attention from others. 

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That’s why they say that men have fewer problems when it comes to cheating or seeking the services of escorts. However, although there are differences, women as well as men also seek out escorts.

So what are the reasons for seeking escort services and is it the same for them?

Sexual fantasies and fetishes with escorts

Sexual fantasies and fetishesMost people have desires that are often hidden. Men have fetishes for escort relationships with sex and just imagining them makes them feel horny and sexually desirable. 

This is when many women are repressed to talk about sex with men. For them, it is often rare to hold back and maintain a thread of conversation considered normal when talking about the subject. 

It is a challenge for women to make male heads understand that talking about sex can be natural, without the need for sex between the two of them.

Meanwhile, meeting with professionals is often an experience of fulfilling fantasies and having a different time than usual. 

And yes, this is true for both men and women, who are both looking for pleasure in different experiences!

Pay per company and still have less expenses

The idea that only men pay for sex or companionship is already out of use. Modern times show a different path between human relationships. 

However, nowadays paying for sex can cost much less than any game of conquest. 

Those who seek companions value sex, but also the satisfaction of meeting different people without the commitment of a fixed relationship. 

Therefore, it is cheaper to pay immediately and have what one needs, i.e. guaranteed sex and contemplative conversations. 

Not only that, the relationship of the clients with whom you provide the best escort services goes beyond sex. For all profiles, a kind of service and attention. 

Women are also looking for companions. To get to know the lives of the men they meet. Or because they can often let off steam without fear of being judged. 

Men too. They look for the attention in escorts that they do not receive from other people in everyday life.

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More stories to tell

Life is made up of small experiences as new stages begin for each individual. One difference between men and women when it comes to contacting an escort is the pressure generated by friends or other influences.

As mentioned above, men have a self-assertive mechanism that often suffers from external influence. Because they do not like to be judged or challenged, under pressure from friends they accept to participate in experiences outside their relationships. 

For them, it is a mechanism to feel more manly and “macho”. For them, the experience of seeking the services of escorts can also have this influence, although the purposes are different.

When a woman seeks this kind of experience, they are usually more mature. Generally, they want new experiences because they have desires that cannot be offered by the men they are dating.  

Or simply to have some kind of attention from a person with more impartial opinions in addition to seeking to understand this type of service.

So, are men and women looking for escort services? Of course they do. 

The intentions may be different in the end. Even if it is not because of the subject man or woman, but because of the experience that it can offer.

In the end the important thing is to respect what you want, but always trying not to create problems with the people around you.