Sexual fetishes: The most sought-after desires by clients.

Human sexuality is diverse and intriguing, with no limits on gender or orientation. Exploring fetishes, fantasies, or inner desires is a natural quest for intimate satisfaction. “Who among us hasn’t sought to add an extra touch of excitement to our intimate moments?

In this world full of fantasies, it’s common for people, often men, to seek the expertise of pleasure professionals to fulfill these desires. For those in this profession, it’s essential to keep an open mind and an empathetic heart, ready to listen and understand these genuinely human desires.

Unraveling complexity: Fetishes vs. fantasies.

Before delving into the depths of fetishes. It’s crucial to understand the difference between them and fantasies. While fetishes fuel an insatiable desire for inanimate objects or body parts, like foot enthusiasts known as podophiles, fantasies are more linked to contexts or individuals. The desire to engage in passionate acts in public places or with an authority figure, such as a teacher, illustrates fantasies. The peculiarity lies in the fact that, once the fantasy is fulfilled, curiosity gives way to satisfaction, whereas the fetish retains its constant power of stimulation.

In the early stages as a pleasure professional, it’s not uncommon to feel surprise at more unusual requests, like being urinated on, trampled, or spat upon.

Desires in the shadows: The most-requested fetishes

  • Dominance: Under the umbrella of BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance, sadomasochism, and masochism), dominance emerges as a burning desire for submission. Men who play dominant roles in everyday life often seek the opposite in intimacy, yearning to be dominated. This is where they look for a companion with dominant inclinations to satisfy these desires.
  • Provocative Lingerie: From intricate textures to seductive scents, intimate apparel holds an irresistible allure. Those who love incorporating corsets, negligees, garters, or lingerie into their encounters find in such garments an anticipation of the experience, becoming a kind of visual foreplay. Given the significance of visual stimulation in men, this type of fetishism is more common among them.
  • Voyeurism: Those who delight in watching others engage in sexual acts explore the dimension of voyeurism. Some clients even turn to professional couples to satisfy this voyeuristic desire, while others involve third parties in the experience.
  • Intimate Waters: Among the most requested fetishes, “golden showers” – urinating on a partner – and “brown showers” – defecating on a partner – evoke a mix of repulsion and fascination. This desire transcends social norms and emerges as a unique expression of intimacy.
  • The Power of Taboo: Anal Sex and Podolatry: The spectrum of fetish expands to encompass the desire for anal sex, while others find ecstasy in exploring podolatry, yearning to kiss, lick, and smell feet.
  • Role Reversal: In an intriguing twist, some men find pleasure in role reversal, allowing a woman to penetrate them with a strap-on. It’s important to note that this desire doesn’t denote sexual orientation but rather the intrinsic diversity of human desire.

Navigating turbulent waters: Setting boundaries.

Despite the fascinating variety of fetishes, it’s crucial to establish personal boundaries. I strongly recommend never accepting something that contradicts your values or doesn’t pique genuine interest. For example, “brown showers” may represent a boundary for many, and that’s perfectly acceptable. The value offered by fetishes should never override your principles, as the emotional cost can outweigh the economic value.

Declining with grace: The art of rejecting a fetish.

When presented with a fetish that doesn’t excite you, gracefully declining is a skill. Conveying empathy is crucial, considering the client’s courage in sharing an intimate desire. A respectful approach can be simple, such as stating, “I understand your perspective, but it’s not something I feel comfortable doing” or “Unfortunately, I cannot fulfill this request.” Showing that your decisions are based on your well-being and integrity reinforces your credibility as a thoughtful and respectful professional.

Distinguishing serious proposals from “Less serious” ones.

“The “not serious” proposals are those in which men never schedule meetings and only prolong meaningless conversations. They request photos, question values, ask a thousand and one questions, and promise to get in touch to schedule for the next week, but then never do, so you waste your time with this type of client.

A serious fetish proposal is one in which the person on the other end is direct, asking if you have ever done something similar or if you’re interested, discussing values, availability of schedules, and other details necessary for the activity. Any conversation that goes beyond this, like “I imagine you do this or that,” should be treated with caution, as it could be an empty approach.

Finally, remember: Embracing your sexuality and expressing your true desires is the key to maximum enjoyment. Skokka is here to be your companion on this journey, guiding you towards a horizon of success and satisfaction.

Sign up on Skokka and enjoy diversity and sexuality whenever you desire!”

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