Does size matter? For a long time society has debated issues related to sexual organs, both male and female. It is as if there were no other more interesting or rather constructive things to talk about. Also, on the other hand, debates are opened up or even topics are brought to light that were not talked about much before. This is the case of the grower or shower.
This may motivate one to identify with a topic, to be more accepting of one’s own body, to break or question sexual and body taboos, and so on. In other words, discussing certain topics can also have many benefits.
On the subject of the male organ, expressions have emerged in the United States that quickly gained traction among the LGBTQIA+ public, and today may even be widespread around the world. This is the case of the definition of penis grower or shower.

But after all, what is a penis grower or shower?
Penis grower
With its roots in the English verb “to grow” which simply means to expand. The expression penis grower refers to all those who, when they have an erection, their penis grows exponentially in size, compared to when it was in a flaccid state.
Shower penis
On the other hand, penis shower, as the word “to show” suggests, would be understood as to be seen, to be visible, to appear or something like that. So, how does this translate in the context of the penis concept? It’s simple: a penis shower would be one that is seen or perceived to be closest to its actual size, even when it is flaccid. That is, when it becomes erect, it does not change much in size and appearance.
Normally, men with a large penis could more easily identify themselves in this form of expression.
What factors determine whether a penis is a grower or a shower?
It can be said that the erectile structure of the penis is made up of: arteries and veins, collagen, elastic fibres and smooth muscles, according to a medical point of view. All these elements are what will allow the penis to become hard.
However, each person has a different body structure and even factors such as age and state of health influence whether a man is a grower or shower.
How can one distinguish between a grower and a shower?
There is no need to be an expert to be able to identify whether it is a penis grower or shower. Either out of curiosity to check for yourself or for a sexual partner with whom you are intimate.
Simply measure the penis when it is completely relaxed and flaccid, from the base to the tip (or head). Subsequently, take the same measurement when the penis is erect. When the difference between the two measurements is more than 4 cm, the person best fits the definition of a grower. However, if the discrepancy is less than 4 cm, the man may better fit the shower definition.

Does this have any impact on sexual life?
There are no studies or official data to suggest that being a grower or shower influences people’s sex lives.
However, being concerned about the appearance of one’s penis can affect one’s sexual experience. Although much progress has been made in this regard, many men still report feeling a great deal of aesthetic pressure about their penis. Some even report that they may experience the need to have X size or Z rigidity of their penis in order to fit the ‘standard’ pattern.
There are many people who even attribute their partner’s sexual pleasure to the size of their penis, and nothing could be further from the truth.
The happiest and most sexually satisfied people are those who explore all the nuances of their sexuality, alone and in company. Who accept and explore their bodies and communicate openly with their sexual partner about any problems or doubts that may arise.
There are many ways to have and provide pleasure, which are totally independent of penis size or rigidity. Hot phrases during sex, smell, touch, tongue kissing, sexual positions that favour the partner’s body anatomy, are just a few examples.
Grower or shower, there is no better or worse.
The definitions are more to indicate the ratio of change in the size of an erect and flaccid penis, rather than to classify them.
It is much more helpful to focus on sexual self-esteem, confidence, open conversations, bodily and sexual health than on concerns about the appearance of the male genitalia.
After all, in order to enjoy sex life comfortably, it is better to relax and not attach so much importance to such aesthetic details.