After a good night of love, you have to be very careful what you say or how you say it. Any word can be misinterpreted in such a way as to sink all the satisfaction of good sex that has gone before that moment. Therefore, some unnecessary phrases should be left out. Besides, certain things should never come up after a good fuck.
Sex is no longer as taboo as it once was. It normalizes the fact that having sex is healthy, takes away stress and makes one discover much more about the person with whom one is sharing that moment.
Then you can imagine as an example, that a handsome man goes out with the most beautiful and good girl he has wanted for a long time. The date leads to a great night, the guy is very nice, the meeting goes better than expected but suddenly, just suddenly… some word, gesture or phrase that can end with all the interest of the other party.
Yeah, that happens. There are many stories of those who have a special night and then end up disappointed.
It is not for less that Skokka lists phrases that should be avoided after sex so that the good impression is not changed, and perhaps moments of much pleasure can be repeated.

10 sentences not to be said after sex
1.- We have to go, no one can see us
Two people decide to have a good time together. At the end if there is a phrase like “no one should see us”, it can give the impression that what has happened is forbidden. It is clear that the adventure is also cool! But a sentence like that can sound as if someone has something to hide from personal situations like, maybe, a girlfriend or boyfriend… So you have to be very careful with Skokka’s best escorts!
2.- Tell me something about your mother
The sentence doesn’t have to be exactly that, but mentioning something about the other’s mother can be bad business. And oddly enough, it happens. Talking about the mother (of the other) can be strange and uncomfortable to the one who has to remember the mother in the… bed!
In this case it’s best to always try not to mention, even as a joke, one’s mother. That’s worth a lot in relation to men who are upset about it. No one wants to remember the mother after sex… right?
3.- When are you leaving? (or the famous, “you can leave if you want”)
These are words that can slowly kill a person on the inside, mainly the best company you can keep. Even if it wasn’t the best sex in the world, or whatever the truth is, and you don’t want the other one to stay over, there is nothing more indelicate than making the others think they are not welcome there. It is a type of comment that can generate discomfort and possibly be the end of what could be a good start.
4.- Not bad…
Here is a sentence that silence is the best thing! First, because asking or saying “not bad” or “well, that’s good” should be thought twice before being pronounced.
If there is not enough trust between two people after sex, it is not a problem if the first time is not perfect. Whoever asks if it was good, shows insecurity, as well as opening the door for an answer that may not be the one expected.
The questioner wants the answer that the sex was spectacular, but it’s not always going to be that. The best thing is to try to discover other ways to enjoy with the escorts, giving attention to details after sex, and also during.
Is there anything better than feeling the moans of pleasure in your ear? Now that’s the best way to know if the sex is good!
5.- We need to talk
Discussing problems after sex? No! Whatever it is, it seems like a very bad idea. Even if it’s a simple reason or something that doesn’t generate discussion, this is no time to have that kind of conversation charged with a worrying tone.
It’s best not to drop that kind of line and keep the good post sex stuff.
6.- It hasn’t been as good as I expected
That’s something that’s worth a lot to women. Such words to a man can be the worst time after sex. There are few things that can affect a man, one of them without doubt is the feeling that he is not as good as he thinks in bed.
That kind of phrase breaks down the male self-image more than you can imagine!
7.- My ex-girlfriend liked…
Nobody likes comparisons. Even if it’s a good thing, comparisons can mean you’re being tested. That’s a common mistake once many think it’s a good idea to make comparisons to show that things are going well.
The recommendation is not to have that kind of attitude!

8.- You could have held out a little longer
Many times during sex, when both bodies are in bed, it is not a problem for the woman to ask the man to wait a little longer. It is not a mistake, nor is it wrong, nor is it shameful, since a woman usually knows that she is about to have an orgasm.
The problem is to say that he could have held out a little longer. That not only makes the man feel insecure as there may not be a next time. That’s a phrase that directly touches male pride.
9.- I love you!
In a new relationship, the time after sex for that kind of statement is not a good idea. It’s clear that each case is different from the other. However, saying “I love you” or “I love you” may seem superficial or a little too much for the moment. Better to avoid it and find another time to show your feelings and let yourself go.
10.- We’re going to do it without a condom, right?
Many women feel unsafe about sexual health. And it’s normal for that to happen, but that shouldn’t even be a question today. First, because a man should not deny that kind of protection to a woman (nor to himself…).
Whatever the reason, the first attitude is to use any protective measure so that you don’t get scared later on!