Conversion on Skokka: the impact of payment options

An image of a woman putting money in her underwear and laying on a bed.

Are you finding it difficult to maintain or grow your Skokka customer base? If you find that you are losing customers or receiving few leads, it’s time to investigate possible payment methods.

Successful escorts are proactive in finding solutions to increase their visibility and attractiveness on the platform.

Analyse your advert

First of all, check the information and photos in your ad. Make sure your profile is authentic and trustworthy. If you have already done this and are still having difficulties, perhaps the problem lies in the payment method you are offering.

Get up to speed with modern payment methods and remember that building trust is key.

An image of an escort with pink nails holding dollars.

Many customers are already wary of making payments in advance, so check whether this is affecting you and provide communication where trust is the basis of negotiations between you and the customer.

Traditional payment methods, such as cash, are becoming obsolete, giving way to more secure and convenient options. Today, the trend is towards the use of virtual money.

Credit and debit cards, as well as mobile payment apps, are now the most common forms of transaction, enabling fast and secure transactions without the need to visit the bank.

Payment options you can offer your customers

  • Cash
  • Credit
  • card Debit
  • card
  • Pix (Brazil)
  • PicPay

Incorporating these options not only modernises your service but also brings convenience and security to your customers, increasing the chances of customer loyalty and satisfaction.

An image of a woman in black fishnet tights with euros on her lap.

Invest in a payment machine so that your customers can pay you if they ask you for something extra, it is an excellent strategy to avoid losing a wider service by not having a way to pay if the customer does not have cash. ….

This article is just one of the many resources Skokka offers to help you maximise your visibility and success on the platform – check it out and find out more!