Fortunately, society has advanced a lot in several aspects recently, and sexual diversity is a clear example of this. Of course, as we will see below, there are many types. It is time to discuss the benefits of the tremendous sexual diversity today before delving into each one.
Sexual Diversity: Freedom, and Goodbye to Prejudice
The first is greater freedom. Whatever the gender identity of the person in question, they can have their tastes and concerns satisfied on an intimate level. People were free to choose in the past, but the fear of being judged led them to repress their feelings and desires.
It is precisely this aspect that brings us to the next one. Sexual diversity means eliminating the prejudices present in society until a few years ago. Now, the situation is different.
The Most Well-known Types of Sexual Diversity
Indeed, there is still a long way to go, but today society is more tolerant. Now, we can identify any type of sexual diversity in the LGBT+ flag. However, it is essential to remember that nowadays, the range has been specified enough to make the differentiation between gender and sex, which affects sexuality.
We will discover the most well-known types of sexual diversity within this range of possibilities. Each of them has a place in the flag and its own.
In the case of heterosexuality, the individual feels an attraction to people of the opposite gender. As expected, the majority of the population is heterosexual.
Homosexuals are those people who are only sexually, emotionally, and lovely attracted to individuals who belong to the same gender.
In this case, men are called gay and women lesbians.

Bisexuality and Sexual Diversity
Bisexuals are people who are attracted to both women and men.
Many people are sexually attracted to others without needing to notice chemistry on an emotional level, but this is not the case for those who are demisexual. Without such a bond, they do not notice any kind of attraction. Demisexuals only feel attraction when there is an emotional bond.

Pansexual people do not consider gender identity or sex since they fall in love or feel attracted regardless of these two aspects.
This is a reminder that there are more than two genders and how individuals feel identified with them.
Although it is often confused with Pansexuality, polysexuality has a difference: the attraction may encompass several genders but without reaching all the existing ones.
Antrosexuality and Sexual Diversity
Despite the tremendous sexual diversity that exists today, many individuals of any gender prefer not to label themselves or do not know the type they belong to. Those individuals who do not tag themselves could be considered antrosexuals.
Visibility of sexual diversity in series, movies and shows
See characters in different television series, movies, and shows can breaking down prejudices. As this undeniably reinforced by the appearance of some characters in the media consumed on a daily basis.
As the new millennium dawned, several entertainment products decided to apply a philosophy of inclusion that has proven very beneficial.
Examples of Representativeness in Entertainment
One of the best examples is a series that became popular when it premiered in 2003: Aquí no hay quien viva. Several characters appeared in this mythical comedy, making a part of the audience feel identified with them.
In Aquí no hay quien viva, one of the most influential roles was Mauri, played by Luis Merlo. The actor himself mentioned how important this role was even for him since the character is homosexual. He knew the complicated scenario that other people who shared the same concerns as him had to face.
The list of influential characters in Aquí no hay quien viva goes on and on. Another of those who helped to break down prejudices related to sexual diversity was Raquel Heredia, a transgender person played by actress Elena Lombao.
The producers, scriptwriters, and those responsible for the serie “Aquí no hay quien viva” were not the only ones who opted for such a beneficial inclusion.
Its spiritual successor series, known as La que se avecina, has also had several characters that faithfully represent what sexual diversity is today.
Apart from television products made in Spain, numerous examples have achieved significant international success outside our borders. For example, one of the best-known films worldwide is Brokeback Mountain. In this film, starred as the protagonist Heath Ledger, known as the best Joker who ever existed in the Batman universe.
This romantic drama got millions of people to understand homosexuality as an option for sexual diversity. It has gradually been happening with other types, such as pansexuality, bisexuality, and polysexuality.
More recent platforms such as Netflix are increasingly betting on inclusion in multimedia products. Everything seems to indicate that sexual diversity will be what it should have been for centuries: something fully understood and respected in the future.