Why do we have orgasms in our sleep?


Did you wake up in the middle of the night in full ecstasy because you don’t know how, but you just had an orgasm in your sleep? Did you have an orgasm in your sleep and you don’t know why? These kinds of questions always lead to the same thing in the end… why do you have sex? Is the only thing you are looking for is sexual pleasure? Ecstasy and orgasms are the height of satisfaction. A sensation that runs through the whole body, unique and often indescribable. It makes you want to stretch every inch of your body, invades everything and makes you lose control even of your thoughts. 

But is it the only way to achieve orgasms? The truth is that after innumerable surveys, experiments and studies, no single conclusion has been reached, a secret formula that causes this type of intense pleasure. 

The mixture of things that are produced both internally and externally in the body is not exactly the same in all people. A mental part there is also involved. The ability to fantasize, tastes, fetishes… 

So some people experience that feeling even in their sleep. That’s when more questions arise.


Why do orgasms occur in our sleep?

As Octavio Paz said “In every erotic encounter there is an invisible and always active character: the imagination.” The brain has a very active but unconscious part during the whole excitement process.

Just closing your eyes and imagining that fantasy can make you wet or cause an erection. In the case of men it does happen in dreams is popularly known as night pollution. 

Some experts say that it is produced to release sexual tension accumulated during the day. It is a form of relief for better rest, especially during the REM phase. 

While sleeping, the eyes close and the vital functions go automatically. The brain continues to function but without any control. No inhibitions, no complexes, no consciousness to repress. In dreams everything is possible and although it is difficult at times to remember exactly everything that has been imagined happens the same way. 

Also unlike an erotic encounter with another person, the orgasm is only dependent on oneself. The deepest desires come to the surface and it is only up to you to have orgasms in our sleep. There are no reactions or feelings of others that can influence. 

orgasms wet dreams

How do you get a wet dream?

Between 35% and 40% of women claim to have experienced such an orgasm in surveys. While the number among men is higher. This is because in them it is more visual due to the nocturnal pollution, that is, the semen that the penis ejaculates next to the orgasm or when they get up with an erection.

For them, however, it is more complex, as they may have it unconsciously and not even remember it. Mainly because there is not much physical evidence left when they wake up. Female ejaculation is not as abundant as male ejaculation.

But, there are some things that can help you enjoy orgasms in our sleep:

  • Relaxation. It is important to avoid self-pressure and frustration as it is impossible to control. 
  • Go to sleep very tired and on your stomach. Especially women. Entering the REM phase earlier, letting the brain take control and encouraging blood flow through the genitals as well as rubbing against the mattress and sheets can have very satisfactory results.
  • People say that the longer you go without sex, the more likely it is to happen.
  • Before sleeping, watch some erotic content to stimulate the mind and awaken fantasies during sleep.
  • Men tend to experience more nocturnal orgasms when they are young, coinciding with their sexual awakening. While in women it is more common a bit older, when they are in their 40’s and 50’s.
  • Very much related to the hormone level. That is why during ovulation and growth and discovery of sexuality is more common.

There are many different ways to enjoy some kind of sexual pleasure

Some of them are uncontrollable, like orgasms in our sleep. To do this, you need to discover the best way to stimulate yourself mentally as well as physically. Forget the complexes, prejudices and embarrassments and be free to feel. Reading an erotic story, or even writing one, visualizing erotic material (videos, images, audios…), practicing sexting are just some examples of things that can inspire the brain. 

Anything can end up having some erotic utility. It all depends on the point of view. Knowing one’s own fantasies, the source of one’s own pleasure, what it is that makes one enjoy most… It is very important and something that now during the pandemic is being practiced more by everyone through screens with spicy video calls thanks to the recommendation of social distancing. But pleasure surpasses any barrier, even physical ones. So why wait to try experimenting and get stimulated to see what happens?